Beltsville, Md., Jan. 16, 2018 — The Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has awarded ASRC Federal Field Services the Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC), Center-Wide Support Program (CWSP) contract to manage, operate and maintain the Center’s infrastructure and scientific support activities. The multiple-year contract has a potential value of $428 million.
In addition to supporting PIADC operations, ASRC Federal Field Services will assist with the eventual transition of the Center’s animal disease research and training missions to the new National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) under construction in Manhattan, Kan.
“For more than a decade we have had the privilege of supporting the DHS mission at Plum Island, and our team looks forward to continuing a successful partnership,” said Mark Gray, ASRC Federal president and CEO. “The training and research conducted at Plum Island are vital to protecting our country’s livestock. We appreciate the trust the customer continues to have in us to help them support this important mission.”
PIADC consists of 49 buildings on 840 acres, maintaining a staff of nearly 400 employees who provide a host of high-impact, indispensable preparedness and response capabilities, including vaccine R&D, diagnostics, training, and bioforensics.